Six Signs You Are Demonized Against Your Progeny - Intuitive Dot


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Sunday 15 January 2023

Six Signs You Are Demonized Against Your Progeny

angry lion personified

Can parents be demonised against their progeny? Let's take a sight-spree to the bottom line.

Note, demonization in this context isn't necessarily an act of being demon-possessed, but rather a portrayal of a devilish attitude; which can be classified as an existing personified being - An actively adherent weakness that is void of a loving attitude towards a child.

So, what are the signs that you could be demonised against your child?


This is a situation where a child that used to be loved before, suddenly becomes a thing of disdain for no reason, so to say. It could occur as a result of a sudden change in mindsets, either by virtue of negative influences, odd beliefs or even a spiritual attack etc. 

This attitude becomes quite palpable when all your indulgences as a parent don't seem to favour the child's upbringing or favour his or her interest. Worst of all, is when a parent is blind to this very mannerism.


It is a terrible thing when parents utter vague language on their children, not just ordinary words but words that are like curses. Ironically, these are words parents of this calibre would rarely tolerate from outsiders.

The Wicked Verdict

This reminds me of the story of a lady whose mother was expecting her to come a male but came a female. While still in the labour room, on seeing her newly delivered baby girl; she was provoked and thundered at the nurse; "Take this thing out of my sight". Lo and behold, ever since then, the very word "thing" became a driving wheel retrograding her life and destiny backwards. She grew up becoming a nonentity. There was nothing she did that amount to her favour or advancement. But by sheer divine Providence, she came to discover this consequential verdict (of her mother) that had a long time bastardized her fortune.


The easiest way to expose a child to danger is by being carefree. This attitude shows a lack of concern where it ought not to. No safeguarding awareness that is focused on knowing the calibre of friends the child mingles with or failure to inculcate a sense of morals in that child is accorded no relevance.

This you must know, the refusal to give a child home training makes that child vulnerable to social vices and corruption in this falling world.


I once came across a video clip showing a man whom I think was the father of this poor kid. He lifted the baby and hit the baby hard against the chair. The scene perturbed my nerves, causing me to wonder why a normal human being in his real and outright senses could incur such despicable behaviour upon an innocent kid. A toddler, l mean to say. Perhaps, the baby was shrieking, so he find it hard to pacify him. The reason, he because evil.

A similar incident was reported about a man in the year 2022, who broke his baby's arm with a plastic hanger, claiming the baby was disturbing him.

Under no circumstances should this inhumane behaviour be castigated against this innocent ones, if not for the fact that this category of parents were out of their normal senses. To put it straight - they were demonised. The scene of that man hitting a baby against the chair was mind-boggling and disturbing. I hope it gets to the Human Rights Organisation.

The pics of the disarmed innocent baby:


When the act of punishing a child for an offence becomes extreme or congruent to that of capital punishment, then it's quite obvious a parent is demonized. 

Discipline is necessary to be inculcated in a child, but merciless or cruel discipline like the use of skin-peeling objects does no good to the mental, emotional, healthy and social upbringing of the child. I witnessed this ill mannerism in my environment while growing up. You just have to take caution in discipline so as not to regret doing the unthoughtful. Perhaps, you must have heard of parents who beat a child to death.


It's such an implicating attitude when parents have a prefigured consequences of what their actions or decisions will amount to, but still, go on committing the act. Should we call it selfishness or greediness? whether or not it is. It is pure WICKEDNESS.

They've been cases when parents used their children for rituals all in a bid to acquire wealth or power. By the way, this is not the point I'm driving at, as there are other assumable ways parents could behave selfishly. But the result of it all is those innocent kids always have a share of their parents' wrongdoings.

The Resolution

How much a child is loved doesn't reside in words but in doings. Repeat the phrase 'i love you' a thousand times, that still could make a little or no impact. Here is a fragment of the truth - the cause of hatred or psychological disarray against a child could sometimes be a thing of "awkward discharge of feelings" which balls down to your inability to create a caring and a loving attitude, irrespective of how offensive or unattractive the child could be._

                 ____Lamplet Appeal____

Are you a parent indeed? Please do well to share this message. Your credence will be highly appreciated.

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