Was God Mistaking About The 400 Years Of Slavery? - Intuitive Dot


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Sunday 29 January 2023

Was God Mistaking About The 400 Years Of Slavery?

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Genesis 15 - 400 years of slavery

There are various speculations owing to the reason why the slavery of the Israelites exceeded the 400 years in the land of Egypt, which God conceived and predicted, but contrarily shifted to 430 years; Infamous years of agony and untold hardship.

"Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years." Exodus:12:40

Epidemic Speculations

A glimpse into the progeny of popular speculations, it is believed that the birth of Moses protracted the years. To some, it was an oversight. While some regarded it a mere coincidence etc. Whichever way it may seem, this blog will unravel the truism behind the delay.

"....and thou shalt be a father of many nations." Genesis:17:4

Here was God disclosing His promises to Abraham without any mention of the cost or prerequisites to making the promises come into fulfilment until Abraham asked God this sensitive question in verse 8.

"And he said, Lord God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it (the promise)?"

Just like any ageing human,  Abraham must have been very curious to know how the promises would materialize in his old age, being old and close to the grave. He was like: "Is it when am almost close to death will the promise of the father of many nations behold the glimpse of light?"  

The Quest

And now, where and how do the years, 400, which shifted to 430 years transpire in God's response to Abraham?

"And he said unto Abram, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them FOUR HUNDRED years." Genesis:15:13

It should be noted in God's response above that the "400 years" though referenced as years of affliction, figuratively denotes the event that will precede the fulfilment of the promise. In other words, God is saying - there is a prize to pay before the fulfilment of that promise, which is the affliction the progeny of father Abraham (i.e the Israelites) must suffer in a strange land.

Humans Frailty Perception

We may observe this analysis cynically, going by our human frailty perception. However, God is systematic and decoding in his mechanism of communication. This should be understood. On the other way, It isn't a new phenomenon, though, that the inability to understand God's communicating mechanism remains the reason why men keep concocting various conflicting ideas.

400 Years Symbolism

Therefore, going by divine explicit; the number "400" years of affliction in the land of Egypt is  a figurative denotation, which symbolically depicts or means the sacrifice, the prize or the prerequisite that must precede the fulfilment of a promise, a pursuit or an achievement etc 

Pressing further, the verse below is the bombshell which presumably could have gotten father Abraham deflated, having anticipated the promises soonest. 

"And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age." 

A pretext I guess sounded shocking to the grey-headed Abraham, as it appears contrary to what he anticipated and had conceived in his heart.

God's Undisclosed Verdict 

The 430 years were the heaven-purported years of slavery which was not disclosed to Abraham or anyone until their exit from Egypt.

 And as Jesus responded to his disciples when he was asked of what time God will restore the kingdom to Israel, he said, "it is not of thee to know the time and the seasons the father has put in his hands but thou shall...." 

Consider and absorb this fact, that Heaven is neither constrained by time nor governed by it. Let alone man's artificial invention. 

Our personal dealings with God as believers could as well attest to this very syndrome of God not disclosing the years he purported preceding the fulfilment of his promise in our lives. And if you think God had one time spoken literally or precisely to you over certain years prescribed to warrant your fulfilment. Perhaps, it could be wise reexamining what you heard so that you don't assume God a liar, peradventure, when the time anticipated elapses.

In Your Dreams

To dream of the number 400 depicts resolving rare issues in your life or experiences that might cost you some pains or problems, but the very end will amount to your rest, peace and balance if consistency, perseverance and patience are inculcated. 

It could also depict your attempt or effort to correct matters in a bid to enforce normalcy and order.

Kindly share your thoughts in the comments box below and do well to share so that you can have more wonderful dreams. 😊

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