The Carmel 🐫 And The Needle's Eye 👀 - Intuitive Dot


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Thursday 12 January 2023

The Carmel 🐫 And The Needle's Eye 👀

Carmel _needle_desert.pmg
A traveller on a Carmel

Mystery and Truth convey using ambiguous narratives are sometimes like a sword piercing through the mind, soul and brain. And without the inculcation of these three attributes - Calmness, Longing And Listening, assimilating and deciphering the underlying message such ambiguity is trying to unveil could be difficult if not impossible. The same goes with leadership.

Same is the scenario that unfolded between Jesus and His followers. Having divulged a mind boggling statement that got the crowd deflated and disrupted.

"It is easy for a Carmel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." 

"Who then can be saved?" The troubled crowd blustered.

But to their dismay, Jesus gave no literal response to their query, except the later.

"...with God all things are possible"

A response that barely assuage their nerves as each one took to his heels and never again flocked after Jesus - except for the few, on whom, perhaps, grace was bestowed. 

Certainly and undoubtedly, the Carmel proliferating the needle's eye is an incident too far from existence. But then, it conceals a paradigm heavily loaded with insight, particularly to the Christan faith. 

A Glimpse Of Light

Giving this ambiguity of the Carmel and the needle's eye a touch of illumination - the message the Messiah was actually conveying to the crowd is not farfetched from the rich man's ironic persona. Which goes thus: "give up the ecstasy of lordship and become as poor as a servant." And who is a servant? A person who serves patiently for the good of others.

Cavern of travellers

The Symbolism Of The Carmel And The Needle's Eye

What do you think of a Carmel, an herd habitually adapted to the crossing of the desert in a cavern with humans and travellers' loads lodged on its trunk? A burden bearer right, perhaps?

✍️ A Carmel is a symbolic attributes of the word Perseverance, Patience, Enduring suffering and pains for the comfort of others, as disclosed in the words of Jesus "...go sell all your possessions and give to the poor and follow me." Did you get that? "All" not part.

✍️ Needle's eye or hole, so to say, for better understanding. if seen in a dream, is a symbolism depicting feelings about problems, challenges or hardship you will not like to think about or experience.

You can imagine the odd feelings and impacts those words incurred inside the young man's mind that he went away sorrowfully. This is the negative aspect of seeing a hole in the dream.

But for the positive aspect: it depicts a sudden breakthrough from a problem you are stuck into.

The Crowd's Perspective

Though, the crowd may not understand the relevance or symbolic depiction of the Carmel and the needle's eye. In a nutshell, they understood the trajectory aspect of reality Jesus was pointing at. 

So then, it was better the Lord saying, "...with God this is possible but with man it isn't.

What is your view? Kindly share your thoughts. Perhaps, you have a detest that you find difficult surmounting.

Do well to pen down the aspect of the scripture you find difficult to assimilate in the contact box at the top left bar.

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