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Saturday 20 August 2022


Dove-Spirit of God-Symbolism

Symbolism language is one unique method through which heaven communicate with men in dreams, in trances, visions and even in our waking life(which will be discuss in subsequent blog). 

May I inform you that Symbolism is the Unknown Tongue the scripture talks about. And as a child of God you must be incline lest the enemy exploit your ignorance.

Symbolism most times make dreams appear mysterious. Difficult and hard to decipher. You may need to ponder over and over again. However, the pondering does not determine the means unless you are discerned or the Spirit reveals it plainly. Just like in the case of Peter.

What do you think about the great sheet knitted at the four corners, and let down to the earth before him, wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. Acts:10:11-12

These where Symbolisms; a (metaphor) representing some sets of people. The Gentiles to be precise. Obviously, Peter have no idea about this newly injunction. You can imagine the variety of interpretations the human mentality would have related to it if the Spirit hadn't spoken to him immediately.


It is a representation of a concept, ideas through symbols i.e objects, character or the underlying meanings of that object.

Another common symbolism is the used of analogy: indirectly using two things having same quality to pass a Message. Which God does very well.


Symbolic Dreams are representation of symbols [like places, objects, either familiar or unfamiliar faces, materials] embedded with deep meanings which most times requires a further interpretation to decipher it underlying message. However, a dream shouldn't appear difficult always. 

This is not an idea fabricated. It is a life practical experience of mine. Infact there is barely a day I don't see and this used to be a brainstorming experience for me. At first, i feel bad when I am not communicated to plainly. But hopefully, I got used to it as I see a lot with meanings. Morever, I come to discover that majority of dreams people have are Symbolism fraught which are mostly misinterpreted.

In the world of the spirit, Symbolism is the only paramount method of communication. Thoughts and Intents are understood through appearances not tongues, not English, not Hebrew, not even words. Why? Nothing is hidden in that realm. 

~Remember Joshua The High Priest 

And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

Now Joshua was clothed with FILTHY GARMENTS, and stood before the angel.


~Also Isaiah, When He Saw The Lord

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of UNCLEAN LIPS, and I dwell in the midst of a people of UNCLEAN LIPS: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. Isaiah:6:5.

Here lies the difficulty with the natural man. Even a piece of dream he finds difficult to interpret. Even when he thus, he misinterprets. 

Most often than none, dreams are not to be interpreted the way they seem. Imagine, if the Spirit of God had not ministered to Peter, he would have thought that God was encouraging him to eat unclean animal (that he has now made clean) which has never enter his mouth. A similar fate had so far befallen many us.

For instance, a person dreamt of travelling to America; doesn't necessarily mean he will travel to America in real life. The America could be a symbolic representation of a concept. 

Which denotes being independent, the freedom to do as wish, self-sufficiency, not depending on anyone, a new development in your waking life etc. 

Like I said, the scripture comprises tons of Symbolisms, with wisdom embedded. But only with the eyes of the spirit can they be fathomed.

The Faces, Places, Things And Objects featured in a dream combined together convey a message to be fathomed. None of those things featured are irrelevant. None at all! Everything you see in your dream count.

And one of the ways to understand your dreams is identifying those Symbolic representations by what they are commonly associated with.

Have heard people say something like: 

Ha! And I saw it o.

Oh! Is that what it means, if I had known.

Ye! I thought it was for him I didn't know it was speaking to me etc

Take for instance:


A familiar face featured in your dream. You may have to pinpoint what you know about that person. E.g name etc 

For instance, a neighbor means quite a few number of things: an helper or something that gives you concern etc.

When Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus on the mount. Their Symbolic relevance was to commend Christ as the end of the Law and the Prophets.

Moses symbolizes The Law

Elijah symbolizes The Prophets

What About A Strange Face?

 Sometimes we are clutched baffled when we come in contact with faces never seen in real life. However, that strange face symbolizes a new experience or intuition.

~Remember, when Paul was led blind to Damascus, where he saw Ananias, a stranger, whose face he has never come in contact with, coming in to lay hands on him in a vision. The strange face symbolized the sight experience that was soon to manifest.

Faces That Looks Familiar But Have No Relationship With?

 This also happens frequently. The question is: What do you know about this person's reputation?


Have you ever wonder meeting yourself in an environment you hardly go? Then you may have to pinpoint the name of that street or the activity is associated with to decipher the purpose for which it was featured.

What About An unfamiliar environment?

which symbolizes a new experience or thoughts approaching.

To better understand the methodology of Dream Symbolism could take quite a few number of years. Through the help of the Spirit, God's use of analogy, the study of the Bible as a Dream Symbolism methodology and the understanding of things and people around you. 

Above all, the key fact is understanding exactly the message a dream is passing across and what need to be done afterwards. Period! But you must be careful not to jump into conclusions if it is not clear to you. But instead, pray to get clarification.

In subsequent blogging, I will explain Seven symbolic dreams commonly featured in our dreams if time permits.

Please Be A Blessing To Someone By Sharing

Have  A Happy Dream

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